Psychotherapeutic Development Group for Adults


Participate in a psychotherapeutic development group (in English) to overcome challenges, realise hopes, grow as a person and develop more agency in life.

Von (from) 17:00 bis (until) 18:30

Consultation House

1220 Wien, Hirschstettner Str 19-21, House Z, Room 310

€ 420,- for 12 evenings

Dr Martin Miksits / +43-1-2020810-10,

Purpose of the group

This psychotherapeutic development group is for people who are interested in

  • overcoming of challenges and realisation of hopes
  • personal and/or professional growth
  • more agency in relation to life circumstances
  • better understanding of relational patterns
  • new and generative ways to respond in and to situations
  • being listened to and valued by others
  • being part of a group.

Group size

The group size will be 4 (minimum) to 8 (maximum).


The group will be held in English.


Meetings are every Thursday starting February 16, 2017, with exception of Thursday March 16.  There will be a total of 12 sessions / evenings. To maximise possibilities to attend all meetings, we will at the first meeting coordinate dates and if a particular day/time does not work for the group I hope we can agree an alternative day/time.

The start date of February 16, may be renegotiated if a later start seems to be beneficiary for some participants or deferred, if there are less than four participants.

Is this psychotherapeutic development group for me?

Groups with diverse participants may bring a variety of resources, hopes, but also difficulties and issues.  It is natural to have some doubts if the group process will benefit you and useful to reflect if you feel like participating in and contributing to a group process.

As facilitator I am interested to get to know you briefly before you decide to join. Perhaps we have a phone conversation, to develop a sense of your hopes and interests and also to explore with you any concerns you may have.


This is a closed group which means that a stable group membership is invited so that there is no steady coming and going.  This also helps participants to rely on each other and each others' presence in the group.

Upon registration you commit to the group and to paying the full fee, which is not reimbursable. However if after attending the first group meeting you find you don't want to continue it is possible to cancel your participation and you will only have to pay the evening fee for that first meeting (€35,-).

The fee for 12 evenings is €420,-.

Insurance matters

As this is a psychotherapeutic group you may consider applying for reimbursement from your health insurance.  Please let me know in advance if you need any specific statements or diagnosis to be established.  Please note that insurance applications may require additional time which will also be charged.


Please contact me for any further information.

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